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Menopause - Conditions & Cures Info with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
Menopause - Conditions & Cures Info with Proven Effective Supplements Listed
Menopause - Conditions & Cures
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LifeSource Vitamins

Menopause is a good example of Western medicine's focus on disease, rather than on health and wellness. In this case, a natural state-the end of menstruation-is defined by many conventional doctors as a disease that must be treated with medication. Women who don't take their estrogen pills, Western medicine implies, will lose their femininity and their value to society. Luckily, many women instinctively know better, and studies have proven that there are extreme health risks with synthetic hormone replacement. To these wise women, menopause is a time of freedom from the menstrual cycle and the onset of wisdom and power. And it's no coincidence that these women, who refuse to view themselves as "diseased," experience far fewer (and sometimes none) of the problems usually associated with this change of life.

Since attitude plays a significant role in the physical response to menopause, it helps to understand the changes that are taking place. These changes can start several years before menopause proper actually sets in, with erratic periods or unusually heavy or light bleeding. This phase is called perimenopause or premenopause and provides an opportunity to prepare emotionally and physically for the larger transition to come. During pre-menopause, the ovaries no longer ovulate on a regular basis. This is the bases for the cycle changes and the beginning of symptoms such as hot flashes. Menopause itself usually begins in the mid-forties to early fifties. When the ovaries stop producing significant amounts of estrogen and progesterone, the menstrual cycle ceases; a woman who has had no periods for a year is said to be menopausal.

Women's reactions to menopause vary widely. Some enjoy the change, while others suffer from problems like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, heart palpitations, and mood swings, often for years. But if a woman is healthy, active, and well nourished, her adrenal glands will usually response to menopause by creating precursor hormones such as pregnenolone and DHEA, which are then converted into estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. And if she takes natural steps to encourage this process, it is likely that she can avoid harsh and possibly dangerous medications altogether.

The days of routinely prescribing synthetic estrogen, synthetic progesterone, or both, should be over. Several studies, includes the well-publicized Women's Health Initiative Study, which involved over 16,000 women, concluded that the "benefits did not outweigh the risks" of using the combination of synthetic estrogen (Premarin) and synthetic progesterone (Provera). A significant increased incidence of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease stopped this study short of its completion.

There are also times when menopause really is a disorder or a serious problem. If menopause arrives for unnatural reasons, such as from anorexia, bulimia, or extremely intense exercise, the root cause must be treated so that the cycle returns. When menopause is brought about by a hysterectomy or removal of the ovaries, natural hormonal replacement therapy may be necessary to counter the sudden depletion of estrogen and progesterone and the resulting bone loss.

We believe that every woman must be addressed individually. Optimally, it is best to get a hormone test done to find out which hormone imbalances you may have. Saliva testing is a good option. For women with mild to moderate symptoms of menopause, we generally recommend the use of diet, exercise, and nutritional supplements, especially herbal and homeopathic remedies. The beauty of this approach is that these natural supplements balance the hormones that are already present in the body. In addition, the use of natural progesterone appears to be very safe and effective when a stronger approach is needed. Likewise, precursor hormones, such as pregnenolone and DHEA, may be helpful.

For women with extreme symptoms that are unresponsive to nutritional supplements, the use of natural hormone replacement may be required. This is particularly true of women who had their ovaries removed at an early age or for others with moderate to severe osteoporosis. This is, of course, best done with a doctor who is knowledgeable in natural hormones.

** All of these prescriptions below have been proven effective; level of effectiveness depends on the individual. Please consult your doctor when taking any and all supplements.

The top 7 vitamins and supplements have shown to help Menopause:

Prescription for Natural Cures by: James F. Balch, M.D. & Mark Stengler, N.D.

Super Prescription #1 Menopause Support - LifeSource Product - Take this supplement as directed.. This proprietary supplement has been shown in numerous studies to alleviate a multitude of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes.

Super Prescription #2 Progesterone Creme - Natural - LifeSource Product -Perimenopausal women should apply 1/4 teaspoon (20 mg) to the skin on the inside of their wrists and forearms one to two times daily, from days 14 to 25 of the menstrual cycle or as directed by their health-care practitioner.

  • Menopausal women should apply 1/4 teaspoon (20 mg) to the skin on the inside of their wrists and forearms two times daily, three to four weeks of the month or as directed by their health-care practitioner.
  • Postmenopausal women should apply 1/8 teaspoon (10 mg) to the skin on the inside of their wrists and forearms once daily, three weeks of the month.

Natural progesterone alleviates a multitude of menopausal symptoms and may help bone density.

Super Prescription #3 Vitex - Chasteberry - LifeSource Product - Take 300 mg of an 0.5 percent aucubin extract daily. Vitex relieves hot flashes and prevents a heavy menses for perimenopausal women. Do not use it if you are taking the birth control pill.

Super Prescription #4 Panax Ginseng – Korean Ginseng - LifeSource Product -Take 600 to 1,200 mg daily. This herb supports adrenal function, improves energy, relaxes the nervous system, and has a cooling effect.

Super Prescription #5 Hops (Humulus lupulus) - Take 250 mg two to three times daily. Hops reduces anxiety and tension and has mild hormone-balancing properties.

Super Prescription # 6 Rehmania (Rehmania glutinosa) - Take 25 to 100 mg daily. This Chinese herb has a cooling effect and reduces hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, and other common menopause symptoms.

Super Prescription #7 Soy protein powder (preferably fermented) - Take up to 60 grams a day, as studies show that it reduces hot flashes, Do not use it if you have a soy allergy.

Super Prescription #8 Black Cohosh - LifeSource Product - Take as directed on bottle.

Helpful Info:

Click here to see all products, articles and studies for Menopause


  • Cessation of periods
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness and thinning
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Headaches
  • Memory problems and difficulty concentrating
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Reduced libido
  • Bladder problems, including incontinence
  • Mood swings
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Skin changes (acne, facial hair, hair loss on the scalp)·

Root Causes of Early Menopause

  • Eating disorders
  • Extraordinary intense exercise or physical training
  • Ovarian disease
  • Surgical removal of the ovaries, usually as part of a hysterectomy
  • Hypofunctioning adrenal glands



If you begin to incorporate these suggestions into your diet at the onset of perimenopause, you will likely experience far fewer problems when menopause begins in earnest.

Recommended Food

Eat a diet loaded with plant foods, especially whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, and fruits. These contain phytosterols, naturally occurring nutrients that have a hormone-balancing effect. You'll also get the fiber you need to keep your heart healthy and the nutrients that will encourage a strong, vibrant response to menopause.

Japanese women have significantly fewer problems during menopause, thanks to their consumption of soybeans, tofu, miso, and flaxseeds, all of which are excellent sources of phytoestrogens. Add these to your diet, unless you have a soy allergy.

Essential fatty acids protect the heart and promote smooth, radiant skin. Good sources are cold-water fish like salmon, cod, and tuna, as well as flaxseeds.

Vitamin E regulates estrogen production. Make sure to include cold-pressed nut and seed oils in your diet, perhaps as a dressing for a green salad.

Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds daily. They contain lignans, which are phytonutrients that have estrogen-balancing properties and that lower cholesterol. Take each serving with 10 ounces of water.

Drink a glass of clean water every two waking hours. You'll flush out toxins and replace fluid you may have lost during hot flashes.

Foods to Avoid

To protect yourself against heart disease, reduce red meat and other sources of saturated fat from your diet. Eat hormone-free animal products to avoid causing a hormone imbalance.

Carbonated drinks also deplete calcium from your body, so you should avoid them.

Caffeine and alcohol aggravate hot flashes, so eliminate them from your diet.


Keep your system clear of artery-clogging toxins by doing a three-day juice fast once every three months. Regular fasting is especially beneficial for women on hormone-replacement therapy, whose livers may be taxed with extra waste.

General Recommendations

· DHEA supports memory, libido, and mood. If your level of DHEA is low, take 5 to 15 mg as a starting dosage, under the guidance of your doctor.

· Pregnenolone is a precursor hormone to make estrogen and progesterone. Take 30 mg twice daily, under the guidance of your doctor.

· Adrenal glandular extract supports the hormone-producing adrenal glands. Take 1 to 2 capsules twice daily on an empty stomach.

· For memory and concentration problems, take Gingko biloba. It increases blood to the brain. Take 120 to 240 mg daily of an extract standardized to 24 percent flavone glycosides.

· Hormone-replacement therapy puts a great stress on the liver. If you choose to take this medication, detoxify with milk thistle (Silybum marianum). Find a formula that's standardized to 70 to 80 percent silymarin content, and take 250 mg twice a day.

· Saint-John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been shown to fight depression that comes on with menopause. Take 900 mg daily of a 0.3 percent hypericin extract.
If you have heart palpitations, take motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) at a dosage of 200 mg or 2 ml three times daily.

· Sage (Salvia officinalis) helps control the sweating associated with hot flashes. Take a daily dose of 4 to 6 grams.

· Red clover (Trifolium pratense) has been shown in some studies to reduce the symptoms of menopause. Take 40 mg one to two times daily.

· If you need to unwind and distress, find a quiet moment to drink a cup of tea made from chamomile, peppermint, or passion flower. Each of these herbs is relaxing and calming.

· Vitamin E-complex may help reduce the symptoms of menopause. Take 800 to 1,200 IU daily. Do not use this high of a dosage if you're on blood-thinning medications.

· For mild vaginal dryness, use a lubricant from your health food store or pharmacy. For severe vaginal dryness, have your doctor prescribe vaginal estriol cream. Insert 1 gram nightly, containing 0.5 mg, for two weeks and then as needed.

· A high-potency multivitamin provides a base of vitamins and minerals for overall health.

· Take a daily total of 1,000 mg of calcium and 500 mg of magnesium, or a bone formula for bone health.

· For a more powerful relaxing effect, especially if you need to sleep, drink valerian tea.

Other Recommendations

· Remember that one year with a single period must pass before menopause can officially be declared. If a full year has not passed since your last cycle, it's possible that you could still get pregnant. Take appropriate precautions.

· Don't smoke. Smoking is linked to premature menopause, as well as to heart disease.

· Regular exercise improves general health, as well as many symptoms of menopause. Non-impact workouts like swimming and cycling are good for your cardiovascular system, but to prevent bone loss you'll need to include weight-bearing exercise as well. Walking is one of the best all-over conditioners, and weight lifting has been shown to increase bone density and vitality even for people in their nineties.

· Acupuncture can be helpful for alleviating a variety of menopausal symptoms, as can Chinese herbal therapy. See a qualified practitioner.

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*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

LifeSource Vitamins: from the nutrients we choose, to the way we run our business, we answer to God in all we do!
