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Meal Replacement - Creamy French Vanilla - 6 lbs. - Grass Fed Whey Protein
Meal Replacement - Creamy French Vanilla - 6 lbs. - Grass Fed Whey Protein
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Meal Replacement w/ Multivitamin Complex
Complete Meal

Creamy French Vanilla


Proudly Made in the USA!

3 lb also available

The perfect way to replace a meal or use these as the in-between-meal snacks that are so important to being fit, healthy, and losing weight. These Meal Replacements are loaded with a Multivitamin Complex, Minerals, and Amino Acids and contain whopping 39 grams of protein for Men and 20 grams of protein for Women per serving!

The Whey Protein used in these Meal Replacements comes from Certified Grass Fed Midwest Dairy Cows that are:

  • Disease Free
  • Antibiotic Free
  • Pesticide Free
  • Chemical Free
  • Hormone Free
  • GMO Free
  • rBGH Free

Read Below: Full Description, Clinical Studies & Research on Meal Replacements.

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Description Supplement Facts
Highlights of our Meal Replacements - Shown Helpful and Supportive:

• Building Size, Strength and Improve Muscle Cell Volume*
• Lose Unwanted Weight while building lean muscle mass.*
• Promotes a Muscle Building, not a Fat Accumulating Environment in the body.*
• Delivers a complete amount of Amino Acids from Protein to Build and Repair Muscle Fibers.*
• Provide Essential Fats to Build New Cellular Components.*
• Promote Intestinal & Cardiovascular Health with 4 grams of Natural Fiber.*
• Deliver Vital Nutrients, Vitamins & Minerals helping to support balance during weight loss and muscle mass building.*
• Deliver Protection From Muscle Protein Breakdown by Maintaining Blood Glucose to Limit Cortisol Release.*
• Provides more nutrition than 10 scrambled egg whites and a bowl of oatmeal.
• 10 total grams (1 scoop) & 20 total grams (2 scoops) of low-glycemic carbs. (Found in our Cocoa & Vanilla)
• 5 grams (1 scoop) & 10 grams (2 scoops) of L-Glutamine. (Ideal for building muscle and losing unwanted weight)
• Great for kids instead of Chocolate Milk.

LifeSource's Meal Replacements Do Not Contain:

  • Fat- Promoting High Glycemic Index Carbohydrates from Maltodextrin
  • NO Aspartame or Acesulfame K, Sucrose, Fructose, Corn Syrup Solids or Hydrogenated Oils
  • NO Cholesterol

See All LifeSource Vitamins Complete Line of Meal Replacement products: Click Here

Meal Replacements are probably the most valuable and underrated supplement on the market. In fact, they really are not supplements at all when you come to think of it. They should be complete meals, which most meal replacements are not. Many have no vitamins or minerals in them, therefore your body is being starved of these needed nutrients, which in turn causes your body not to lose weight or gain the muscle mass you are looking for. People are always looking for the magic solution to fat loss or building muscle, buying some drink or pill that promises miraculous results. We gain body fat by having poor eating habits, so the only way to undo the damage is to reverse the cycle by developing good eating habits. LifeSource’s Meal Replacements can help make this possible.

I feel this is a must for all Senior Citizens who are not able to eat enough meats and or do not get enough protein daily. The one mistake we make as we age is we take in far less protein than our bodies’ need, which makes us lose our muscles at a much faster rate than actually has to happen. If you are or no someone who is not getting enough protein please have them try our Meal Replacements or Whey Protein powders. If you are taking Ensure or Boost please compare ours to theirs, you will be glad you did.

LifeSource’s Meal Replacements Are Specifically Designed to help your body do what God made it to do, run optimally.

Most whey protein comes from milk that’s been pasteurized, but what does pasteurization mean and why is it important? Pasteurization (heating the milk at very high temperatures) by definition means the complete destruction of all the enzymes in the milk. Milk is declared pasteurized when you don’t find any enzymes left.

But pasteurization not only kills the enzymes which are important complex proteins it also:

1. Alters the amino acids in the milk and destroys many of the important proteins
2. Destroys the unsaturated fatty acids
3. Kills most if not all of the vitamin complexes rendering the protein/meal replacements useless.
4. Reduces the bio-availability of the minerals

So after pasteurization, the milk is for all intense purposes not only essentially dead but puts a strain on your body because your pancreas needs to produce lots of digestive enzymes to digest and absorb the dead milk! Understanding how pasteurization affects the quality of the milk is incredibly important because the quality of the Whey protein powder, bars and drinks can only be as good as the milk it's coming from. Dead processed milk can only produce dead processed whey protein and that’s not what you want to feed your body if you want to be healthy and excel on the sports field. So the second step in choosing a quality Whey protein product is to make sure the milk used to produce the whey protein has not been pasteurized at high temperatures!

1. Our whey protein comes from grass-fed cows that are disease-free, pesticide-free, chemical-free, hormone treatment-free and GMO-free.

2. The milk used to make our whey has NOT been pasteurized or processed at high temperatures that destroy all the freshness & goodness in the milk.

3. The processing of these whey proteins are done at cold temperatures and in a way that doesn't damage the fragile protein fragments or cultures.

4. The whey protein is not a by-product of a cheese-making process that damages the proteins.

For years World Class Bodybuilders, Professional Athletes, Olympic Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts from around the world have worked hard to create a better body, lose fat, gain muscle have consumed LifeSource’s Meal Replacements to get them to the next level. The reason is simple; the best way to build a bigger, stronger and more muscular physique is to adhere to a solid nutrition program in conjunction with your exercise routine. This means focusing on eating five to six meals per day that contain the proper ratios of high-quality protein, fibrous complex carbohydrates, and essential fats, and not just any meal replacement can deliver this. In addition, each meal should contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and other important micronutrients necessary for your body to stay healthy during weight loss.

Replace one, two or three of your whole food meals with our meal replacements and you will drastically start cutting out unneeded calories, calories that can add up and, if not burned off, be stored as body fat. Doing this will drastically reduce your body fat! And you will feel better when your body adjusts to not having so much solid food to digest. It is almost an awakening for your body when it figures out you are not eating so much solid food; it can then grab more nutrients from your solid food than normal.

LifeSource Vitamins Meal Replacements provide a perfect, compact meal in a formula that is high in protein, low in fat and are low in carbohydrates, and contain a wide array of vitamins and minerals. They are low in sugar and contain no cholesterol. They are very nutrient-dense and can be mixed easily and conveniently.

In order to get the same benefits from whole food as one of our shakes, you would have to put together a large meal like a couple of chicken breasts (protein), a potato/rice/pasta for some carbs, and salad/veggies for the vitamins six times a day. Why bother when you can just take our powder and toss it into a cup with some water or milk and shake it and drink it, it is that easy. Safe weight loss and lean muscle mass building is the key.

See All LifeSource Vitamins Whey Protein Products, Articles, and Studies: Click Here

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Instant Nutrition:

They are actually pretty cheap too, considering you're getting an entire meal for roughly 2 dollars! It's impossible to find something this nutritious, high in protein and low in calories for fewer than 2 bucks.

Many people we have spoken to over the years attribute meal replacements being one of the biggest reasons why they were able to lose a lot of body fat weight. We are able to provide a vitamin-rich, high-protein, low carb meal with 282 calories. All of this, for about 2 dollars a meal for Men and only 1 dollar for Women. You cannot even buy a Happy Meal for fewer than 2.00 dollars and Happy Meals are loaded with fat!

LifeSource Meal Replacements deliver an exceptional nutritional platform to help you stay lean while delivering vital nutrients for building size and strength. If you are serious about maximizing your body's ability to change, or to lose those unwanted pounds, then this is the right meal replacement for you.

Why LifeSource Vitamins Meal Replacements Are The Perfect Bodybuilding And Fitness Supplement:

LifeSource Vitamins has taken meal replacements to the next level. Until now meal replacements have been virtually all the same, each one claiming to be the best ever, or most perfect. They often attempt to prove this by using test results based on P.E.R. (Protein Efficiency Ratio) or, B.V. (Biological Value). Neither of these methods of testing is F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration) required methods to determine protein quality. The recent published F.D.A. Nutrition labeling regulations make P.D.C.A.A.S. (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) the true method for measuring the overall quality of protein. P.D.C.A.A.S. differ from P.E.R and most B.V. evaluations because it is based on actual human amino acid requirements.

There are nine amino acids which your body cannot synthesize (produce). These are referred to as the E.A.A's (Essential Amino Acids). The only way to provide your body with enough E.A.A's is by eating or drinking them. This is the reason why the F.D.A uses P.D.C.A.A.s. scoring. The score can range from 0.00 (lowest possible) to 1.00 (perfect score). In order to score high, all essential amino acids must be present n the F.D.A. required amounts and must be extremely digestible.

LifeSource Vitamins Meal Replacements score 1.00 (perfect score on the F.D.A. required P.D.C.A.A.S. method). This is the highest obtainable score! Can your meal replacement say this? If another protein claims to be better, it can't be, our Meal Replacement is un-matched and quite simply the best! No protein can have a P.D.C.A.A.S score higher than 1.00! Many companies try to make proteins digest quicker, eliminating or scissoring B.C.A.A.'s (branched-chain amino acids.) This means their formulas have to be taken in small quantities several times daily.

LifeSource Vitamins Meal Replacement formulas eliminate this inconvenience by having a very complete amino acid profile. Both long and short and also branched-chain amino acids are present to give you many hours of protein utilization! LifeSource’s Meal Replacement contains proteins from four protein sources. These are ion-exchanged whey, egg (Albumen), milk (caseins) and 10% soy (soy isolate). The advantage of having 4 sources is that they provide the adequate amounts of amino acids needed for maximum growth some companies claim to have as many as fifty (50) sources of protein. There are only so many amino acids therefore; there is no advantage of having that many protein sources. Lastly, our Meal Replacements formulas taste great! They really are delicious and make losing weight and creating lean mass much easier.

*** Below is a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:

Meal replacement supplements:

Although they provide carbohydrate, protein and some fat, meal replacement supplements and protein bars have a bad reputation with some nutritionists as nothing more than glorified candy bars. Recent studies, however, show that meal replacement supplements have an important role to play in the diet of anyone who wants to lose fat and build muscle.

A good example comes from a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers from the University Hospital of Ulm in Germany assessed the effects of a low-calorie diet combined with meal replacements on weight loss in a group of 100 obese patients [4]. Subjects were assigned to one of two groups. Group one was told to consume a low-calorie diet consisting of conventional foods. The second group received the same instructions but used meal replacement bars and snacks. Two years later, average weight loss in the group using the meal replacement supplements was twice as great compared to the group relying on conventional methods.

This wasn't because the meal replacement supplements contained any magical fat-burning ingredients. Rather, they just made it easier for the men and women taking part in the study to stick to their diet. Researchers from The University of Nevada report similar results. Women using meal replacement supplements were able to maintain a far greater weight loss over the course of a year than those using other methods to control their weight [1].

Along with powdered meal replacement supplements, there are numerous protein bars and powders available. The problem comes when deciding which product you should use. Magazines aren't really much help. Because they float on advertising dollars, most popular magazines are reluctant to print anything that will discourage potential advertisers. Either that or the supplement company and the magazine are owned by the same people! Their comments can hardly be considered unbiased.

Many of the studies use the Slim-Fast® range of meal replacement supplements. As popular as they are, if you check the ingredients in a Slim-Fast®/Boost & Ensure drinks or powders, you'll see they contain little more than skimmed milk powder and sucrose. In other words, Slim-Fast, Boost & Ensure is just milk, table sugar, and flavorings — mixed with a little fiber and xanthan gum to thicken the drink and help you feel fuller for longer. Is this what you want in your body?

These Meal Replacements are Loaded with Vitamins, Minerals, and Whey Protein from US Dairy Cows, that Grass-Fed, disease-free, pesticide-free, chemical-free, hormone-treatment free and GMO-free. Great for weight loss and building lean muscle mass. Great for Teens, Seniors, Bodybuilders to Endurance Athletes.

Our whey protein comes from Certified Grass Fed Midwest Dairy Cows that are:

Certified - Disease-free - Antibiotic Free

Certified - Pesticide-free & Chemical-free
Certified - Hormone Treatment-free - GMO-free

Proudly Made in the USA!

Every LifeSource Vitamins product exceeds all regulatory standards and requirements set forth in the FDA's Code of Federal Regulation. ( 21 CFR, part 111 ) as well as all Good Manufacturing Practices enforced by the FDA. CGMP's provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. ( CGMP ).

LifeSource Vitamins: Driven by Faith ~ Powered by God

Have Questions on this or any other product or health issue for you or a loved one? It can be overwhelming we know. Call us, we will walk you through what supplements will help you and which ones you really don’t need. It’s what we do! Toll-Free: 800-567-8122

LifeSource Vitamins – Founded in 1992

100% of our profits are donated to Christian Organizations like these and many others worldwide:

Campus Crusade for Christ - CRU

The Jesus Film Project

World Vision

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Compassion International

Samaritan’s Purse

The Herman and Sharron Show on CTN (Christian Television Network) and many more…


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We Are Built on Compassion - Driven by Faith & Powered by God!

*Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, consult your physician before taking any and all supplements. LifeSource Vitamins. Individual results may vary.

Disclaimer: All the information contained throughout this website is based upon the opinions of the founder of LifeSource Vitamins, Bruce Brightman, and the entire team at LifeSource Vitamins whose relentless research and studies have been ongoing since 1992. Other articles and information are based on the opinions of the authors, who retain the copyright as marked in the article. The information on this site is not intended to replace your health care professional, but to enhance your relationship with them. Doing your own studying and research and taking your health care into your own hands is always best, especially in partnership with your health care professional.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have any medical conditions, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements based on the information on this site.

LifeSource Vitamins: from the nutrients we choose, to the way we run our business, we answer to God in all we do!
